How can I install MathTime or Lucida fonts in TeXShop and OS X?

1. Copy the contents of


into the directories under /usr/local/teTeX/share/texmf.local. Depending on the software version you have installed the texmf.local directory may be located in another place, e.g. /sw/etc/texmf.local.

2. Edit the config file (use 'sudo' with the edit command):


Depending on the software version you have installed you may also be able to use

       sudo updmap --edit

Add the appropriate lines:

For MathTimePro, add

  Map #localtexmf/dvips/mtpro/

For MathTimePro II, add

  Map #localtexmf/dvips/mtpro2/

If you also purchased MathTimePro Supplements A or B add the lines:

  Map #localtexmf/dvips/mtpro/
  Map #localtexmf/dvips/mtpro/

For Lucida, add

  Map #localtexmf/dvips/lucida/

For MTPro, it is recommended to comment out a line referring to the belleek Times fonts.

3. Run these two commands to update the name database:

       sudo texhash
       sudo updmap

(These executables live in /usr/local/teTeX/bin/powerpc-apple-darwin-current, in case they are not in your PATH.)

(Thanks to Michael Turmon of JPL, Pasadena)

Keywords: mtpro, lucida, install, fonts, nonpctex